Some Past Exhibitions 2011 -2020 Video Art Today, Shoebox Projects Los Angeles 2020 Ripped from the Headlines” Fort Lauderdale 2019 the eros effect, Bridge Red Studio/Project Space January 2019 Bridge Red Studio/Project Space January 2018, featuring Hell Money video installation Art Basel Miami Beach December 2017 Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, Newcastle on Tyne, U.K. 2017 Spectrum Fair, Art Basel Miami 2017 Ghetto Biennale Port au Prince Haiti December 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011 see videos below: Hell Money is the term for joss paper representations of bank notes and material goods burnt in China and Vietnam to appease ancestors. The word hell was introduced in China by missionaries, who preached that all non-Christian, Chinese people would "go to hell" after death. Hell was misinterpreted to mean afterlife. The ghastly consequences of catastrophic, climate change is a hell we have started experiencing in the present life. My Hell Money is a symbolic broadcast from a hell where mother earth is dishonored, wildlife threatened and extreme weather events are accelerated. In this netherworld, money replaces spirituality and climate change denial is generated by greed.
5 Waves: the eros effect
The video's gentle waves symbolize 5 waves of feminism. One hundred years ago, First-wave suffragettes campaigned for the vote, political candidacy and property entitlement. Fifty years later, in 1968, Second-wave feminism defined a bold new era, reducing inequalities in the workplace while promoting sexual freedom and reproductive rights. Third-wave and Fourth-wave feminism focused on diversity, individualism and putting an end to sexual harassment. In 2018, fifty years after the 1968 Second wave, we are left hoping that some women are finally believed, although not all. Some of the misogynistic abusers are being held accountable, #metoo -the new, Fifth wave. For me, a wave of some relief, but self-reproach as well, I could have been a better, stronger, feminist mom. My daughters grew up in a world where female objectification, sexual harassment and denial of abuse was still a norm. In the video's center, the fifth wave, words and phrases I once considered ordinary tick across the screen like a bizarre, news bulletin. I rub and wash my hands Lady Macbeth style symbolizing sleepwalking, guilt and the need for purification.
Ripped from the Headlines press from Florida Daily Post 2019
Gallery Tally
Gina Cunningham's for Micol Hebron's "Gallery Tally" featuring only female artists, admission was free and nothing was for sale